Course 3: Leading Your Business
12 Tracks | Estimated Duration: 22 hours
The program may be taken in whole or in part. For aspiring leaders, it is advisable to take the program in full and as organized here. You can take the courses, one bundle at a time, the first bundle enriching you for the next bundle and so on—like a building block. However, depending on your need and cognizant of your qualifications, someone with leadership experience may find it useful to be selective in the courses to refresh you or give you the opportunity to learn, relearn, and unlearn.
What You Will Learn:
Customer First Leadership | Duration: 84 min 8 s
In business, the customer is ‘everything’. A customer-centric culture is an imperative, but many leaders are unsure how to begin instilling one. In this course, you'll learn how to design and implement a culture centered on your customers.
The Influential Leader | Duration: 85 min 26 s
Successful leaders are those who get things done, and that often requires getting others to do the things necessary for getting things done. All of that requires the application of successful influence.
The Influential Leader
Successful leaders are those who get things done, and that often requires getting others to do the things necessary for getting things done. All of that requires the application of successful influence. Stated simply, leaders must be able to influence and persuade others to achieve their team, department, and organizational goals. In this course, you'll learn:
Leading Organizational Vision | Duration: 71 min 20 s
A powerful vision, clearly articulated, motivates people to take action and drives business results. In this course, you'll learn how to create and communicate a realistic and actionable vision that inspires commitment from people.
Judgement and Decisiveness | Duration: 65 min 18 s
Good decision making is about knowing which decision style to use, how to assess risk most effectively, and taking the path with the greatest value—and then communicating that decision the right way.
Judgement and Decisiveness
Good decision making is about knowing which decision style to use, how to assess risk most effectively, and taking the path with the greatest value—and then communicating that decision the right way. Judgment and decisiveness enable leaders to make the right decisions, even when circumstances are challenging. In this course, you'll learn skills to help you make and execute decisions more effectively, by yourself and with your team.
Thinking Strategically | Duration: 103 min 23 s
Charting the future in today's business environment requires leaders to think strategically like never before.
Thinking Strategically
Charting the future in today's business environment requires leaders to think strategically like never before. Strategic thinking requires analyzing opportunities and problems from a broad perspective, continually assessing your organization and industry, and applying your insights to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. In this course, you'll learn:
Problem Solving and Decision Making | Duration: 103 min 53 s
The hallmark of leadership is being able to work through problems and make tough decisions using the skills and experience of your team. In this course, you'll learn how to use a three-stage approach to engage your team in this effort.
Thinking Critically | Duration: 74 min 57 s
As a leader, your critical thinking skills are essential for deciding what is important and making the best decisions for your organization.
Leadership Toolkit
Thinking Critically
As a leader, your critical thinking skills are essential for deciding what is important and making the best decisions for your organization. This course will help you improve your critical thinking skills. You'll learn:
Managing Priorities | Duration: 67 min 54s
All leaders have imposed limits–limits on time, limits on personnel, limits on budgets, limited resources. Faced with these limitations and the multiple goals leaders are still required to achieve, setting priorities is paramount to success.
Managing Priority
All leaders have imposed limits–limits on time, limits on personnel, limits on budgets, limited resources. Faced with these limitations and the multiple goals leaders are still required to achieve, setting priorities is paramount to success. In this course, you'll learn:
Leading a Culture of Execution | Duration: 74 min 32 s
Leaders must execute the strategies they help create. Without execution, a strategy is just an idea. In this course, you'll learn how to build and lead an "execution culture" that empowers employees to translate strategy into action.
The Digital Savvy Leader | Duration: 93 min 24 s
In the fast-paced digital world, it's been said that companies either disrupt or are disrupted. This puts pressure on leaders to do more than just keep up. In this course, you'll learn how to get ahead of the curve using digital technology.
Leading Innovation | Duration: 101 min 27 s
In our ever-changing business world, the successful organization is the one that innovates successfully – survival depends on it.
Leading Innovation
In our ever-changing business world, the successful organization is the one that innovates successfully – survival depends on it. Innovation leadership plays a pivotal role by developing and supporting a culture that is open to a creative, innovative mindset. In this course, you'll learn:
The Adaptive Leader | Duration: 61 min 3 s
The wave of disruption creates opportunities for those who can harness its power. Find out how to align commitments, encourage innovation, mobilize talent, and adapt as the tide rises.
The Adaptive Leader
The wave of disruption creates opportunities for those who can harness its power. Find out how to align commitments, encourage innovation, mobilize talent, and adapt as the tide rises. Disruption is the new normal in business today and leaders who view it as a threat will be left behind. In this course you’ll learn how to lead your organization through disruption to harness the undiscovered opportunities that await.
Leadership Development Program
• 3 Courses with 32 Tracks
Course 1: Leading Yourself
Course 2: Leading Your Team
Course 3: Leading Your Business
• 54 Hours
• Capstone Webinars
• Community of Practice
• Repository of Best Practices
• Research and Case Studies
• FREE Electives
All Our Programs Include
Community of Practice
Participants to the leadership and management development programs of the PLI will automatically be registered as members of the ‘thoughtful servant leadership community of practice’ (TSL-Cop).
Repository of Best Practices
PLI will actively capture best practices and make these accessible to the TSL-CoP.
Research and Case Studies
PLI will continually support the TSL-CoP with current research and case materials to support the its leadership and management programs.