
Course 4: Team Management

9 Tracks | Estimated Duration: 17 hours

The program may be taken in whole or in part. For aspiring leaders, it is advisable to take the program in full and as organized here. You can take the courses, one bundle at a time, the first bundle enriching you for the next bundle and so on—like a building block. However, depending on your need and cognizant of your qualifications, someone with leadership experience may find it useful to be selective in the courses to refresh you or give you the opportunity to learn, relearn, and unlearn.

What You Will Learn:

Managing and Developing People | Duration: 183 min 57 s

Understanding the essential responsibilities you have when directing and delegating to others, and the practices you should employ in order to meet those responsibilities, will lead to you fulfilling your duties and realizing the potential of your entire team.

Leading Teams | Duration: 328 min 37 s

The way in which teams are built is an important factor in determining a project’s success. Effective team management requires strong team leadership that clearly outlines your goals and standards of behavior.

Measuring and Managing Performance | Duration: 99 min 16 s

Few tasks make managers more uncomfortable than conducting performance appraisals – especially when an employee has a performance problem. It doesn't have to be this way. Difficult conversations, and even terminations, can often be avoided with some effective planning to establish goals, competencies, and performance requirements.

Delegation | Duration: 118 min 48 s

Understanding the essential responsibilities you have when directing and delegating to others, and the practices you should employ in order to meet those responsibilities, will lead to you fulfilling your duties and realizing the potential of your entire team.

Managing Virtual Teams | Duration: 79 min 59 s

Building and managing teams is enough of a challenge when everyone is in the same location. Collaboration when working on a team that's virtual requires even more commitment.

Managing Team Conflicts | Duration: 74 min 49 s

Any time two or more people are gathered in one place, conflict will inevitably follow. The workplace is no exception. It’s how you manage workplace conflict. There are many valid approaches to managing conflict, but ignoring it is the one guaranteed not to work. Resolving conflict is an important interpersonal skill that, with practice, can diffuse difficult situations at work.

Cross-Cultural Management | Duration: 75 min 16 s

With so much business now happening on a global scale, cross-cultural communication is more important than ever before. Communication is always a challenge, and when diverse cultures interact, good communication can be even more challenging.

Managing Diversity | Duration: 121 min 31 s

To manage a multigenerational team, you need to understand the diversity of your employees and apply various strategies to divert conflict between them. If you tap into the potential of this multigeneration diversity, you'll create a more productive, collaborative, and innovative work environment.

Managing Across Generations | Duration: 77 min 5 s

There are more generations working together than ever before: Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y (Millennials), and Gen Z. Be the leader who knows how to bring unity to these different experiences, value systems, and priorities for the success of all.

All Our Programs Include

Community of Practice

Participants to the leadership and management development programs of the PLI will automatically be registered as members of the ‘thoughtful servant leadership community of practice’ (TSL-Cop).

Repository of Best Practices

PLI will actively capture best practices and make these accessible to the TSL-CoP.

Research and Case Studies

PLI will continually support the TSL-CoP with current research and case materials to support the its leadership and management programs.



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